recommended reading

Interested in the science behind educational theory, what it takes to motivate today’s students, or even how to grow as a teacher and professional? Here are some of the most informative and influential books on the subject – the perfect jumpstart for any educator who wants to make a lasting impact on the lives of young people.

Dr. Danny Brassell

Readers for Life

75+Reading Strategies

Dr. Steven Layne

Igniting a Passion for Reading

Donalyn Miller

The Book Whisperer: Awakening the Inner Reader in Every Child

Reading in the Wild: The book Whisperer’s Keys to Cultivating Lifelong Reading Habits

I have never enjoyed (professional development) or gained as much as I did when I saw you…You made a profound impression on me that day. I don’t know if it was your humor, your approach as a teacher rather than a speaker, or your magic tricks, but I was captivated.

As an administrator, I loved your presentation. We will be incorporating many of your points into our beginning year staff meeting…Thank you for your positivity and optimism in a world which is lacking those!

I want you to know that listening to your presentation was refreshing and empowering. I admire anyone with a sense of humor, what a wonderful gift! Your knowledge and experience combined with your entertaining and moving stories renewed my commitment to my students.